A great App which allows you to create parallax or non-parallax HomeScreens but also is great to size your Lock Screen for you. (Although I believe iOS 7.1 will do this automatically).
I like App Developers who operate like Zhang Yen (aka the Indie Bros). And by operate, I mean this: they take responsibility for their Apps. They ensure updates, support is amazing and top it all off by having a stable App Developer. The type who doesnt sell an App and just abandon it (and you).
Do you know how many Apps Ive bought over the years and then found six months later the Developer just disappeared from the App Store ... with my money. Too many to list. And you want to know how many times the App Store assisted me in getting my payment returned or simply reimbursed me? That is easy to list. ZERO.
Americas_App_Guru about Home Screen Maker - iOS 7 Edition